🚀 The Authentic Success Club


Learn to leverage the power of your human design to create a life and business that feels aligned and authentic to who you really are!


A human design focused community for finding purpose and creating foundations for building successful, authentic businesses.

with Emma Dunwoody

Join the club!

🚀 The Authentic Success Club


Learn to leverage the power of your human design to create a life and business that feels aligned and authentic to who you really are!


A human design focused community for finding purpose and creating foundations for building successful, authentic businesses.

with Emma Dunwoody

Join the club!

Authenticity is your most powerful success strategy, you just have to know how to access it...


Whether you’re trying to start a business, or grow the one you already have, you’ve likely said the words, “I don’t understand why this isn’t working”…

Phew, have I been there…and I get it.

I get the frustration of purchasing a business course or hiring a coach and following their “success strategies” to the letter, only for it to completely flop and leave me more confused and frustrated than when I started.

And after years of experimenting and eventually growing my business to multiple 7-figures, the ironic thing that I came to realize was this ⬇️ ⬇️

Most of my success has come from doing things the “experts” told me NOT to do, and from doing things my own way. Breaking all the "rules" and being authentic actually created the MOST results.

When I stopped giving my power away, started trusting myself and my insights and following my Human Design, THAT’S when it all changed.


The reason building your successful business "isn't working" is because you're approaching business through the lens of someone else's strategies and success.


The two biggest problems today in the world of business are ⬇️ ⬇️

1️⃣ We've been sold the idea that success happens overnight

2️⃣ Too many people are trying to fit their business into the frame of someone else’s success.

This is why you feel like it’s not working, because it’s not YOU.

And if human design teaches us anything, it’s that we’re all designed uniquely and very differently…so why shouldn’t your business be the same??

True authentic success comes when you stop trying to be like everyone else, stop giving your power away and learn to follow your energetic alignment.

You want to know a secret? YOU are the most powerful strategy in your business, and if you currently don't feel connected to who you are, what your greatest superpowers are, or what authenticity even looks like for you, that's where the power of human design comes in.

This is exactly what I’m going to be teaching you inside The Authentic Success Club every month! You'll learn how to leverage the power of your unique energetic blueprint to skyrocket success in all areas of your life.

It's time to build the success you've always dreamed of, by doing something you've probably never thought of...

...that being breaking all the rules!


This is what I wish I had 10 years ago when I started my business, and I’ve created this club for you so you don’t have to go through years of trial and error like I did, only to realize one crucial thing ⬇️ ...


That running a successful business is not about trying to do it like all those who came before you, or follow someone else’s business strategies, because they aren’t YOU.

Running a successful business is about breaking the rules, pushing boundaries and being fiercely authentic.

The two things that ALL successful entrepreneurs have in common is that they trust themselves and break the rules.

When you join me inside, you will be empowered and inspired to finally stop playing small in your business, trust yourself and know what creating authentic success looks like (no matter how many conventional "rules" you break in the process)...

I'm SO in!

Why this club exists and how it works...


This is what I wish I had 10 years ago when I started my business, when I was trying everyone else's strategies and frustrated that none of it was working, when I was doubting myself and when I thought of giving up all together. I’ve created this club for you so you don’t have to go through years of trial and error like I did, and to help you create the foundations for building the success you really want and deserve.

I created this club because mostly everything you’ll find out there is people telling you what strategy you should implement or what business plan to follow and that is just not what you need right now!

You just need to learn to be you—learn and practice how to be authentic and if you can do that….you will experience more success than most people on the planet.

So, if you feel like you could use some guidance around how to actually show up in this world truly YOU…the real you, then this club is for you.


How it works...

When you join The Authentic Success Club, you’ll do 3 things:

1️⃣ Step 1: Learn & master the foundations of creating a truly aligned and authentic business that brings you success through my 90-Minute Foundational Masterclass (most entrepreneurs are totally skipping these essential foundations and then a few years later wondering why their business isn’t “working”)

2️⃣ Step 2: Start experimenting with the concepts you learned in the Foundational Masterclass by interacting with our Human Design Resource Library (a condensed, yet powerful HD library that replaces your google rabbit holes and gets you the information you really need)

3️⃣ Step 3: Attend the live class every month with me, Emma, to integrate the foundations and go deeper on various concepts and topics that are designed to help you take aligned action to actually gain momentum and see progress in your business building (also access all previous class recordings)


And here's what's included inside...


🚀 Monthly Live Class with me, Emma guiding and showing you how to create and run an authentic business so you can experience actual authentic success

🚀 Access to The Foundational Masterclass where you’ll learn foundational concepts that set you up for authentic success

🚀 All Class Recordings so you never miss a thing, and can refer back to it any time

🚀 Class Notes, Summaries, Resources & Tangible Action Items so you always have a game plan and know exactly what steps to take

🚀 Human Design Resource Library so you're never left in the dark or having to endlessly "google" your design

🚀 Opportunities for Hot Seat Coaching and live interaction with Emma where she will coach you and give you feedback right on the class

🚀 Cancel Any Time, no questions asked! (although I have a feeling you won't want to)

I'm SO ready for this!

Hey, I'm Emma...

I'm a master coach, human design expert, behaviour expert, podcast host and 7-figure business owner.

I'm extremely passionate about inspiring you to unlock your inner wisdom, take your power back, and feel deeply confident in the decisions you make (and get paid really well to be YOU).

My mission is to "take you with me" on the journey to creating unbelievable success doing what you love, while remaining authentic in the process of building a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Inside the Authentic Success Club, we'll meet once per month where I will help guide you on the path to creating a truly aligned and authentic business.

I can't wait to meet you inside!

Big love,


Here's exactly who this club is for...


➡️ The aspiring entrepreneur or anyone craving starting their own business, because you're tired of working for someone else's dreams and doing work that doesn't fulfill you

➡️ Anyone who already owns a business, and you want to create strategies that actually work for you to move you through start-up, growth and scaling (instead of following everyone else's icky marketing techniques)

➡️ Anyone who doesn't necessarily want to "start" a business, but you want to be more successful in your career or job role by knowing how to use your energy efficiently

➡️ The rule-breakers, the leaders, the visionaries, the dreamers, and those who desire to make an impact in this world

➡️ Those who are ready to step out of doing things someone else's way, take your power back and create success that's aligned to YOU

➡️ Anyone who wants to get paid really well to just be themselves

That's me! I'm in...

"If you want to have success, then you need to behave like the person who already has that success...


...inside the Authentic Success Club, I give you the resources, strategies and routines that helped me build a multiple 7-figure business"

Emma Dunwoody 

I'm ready for the next level

Join the club and take your success to new heights leveraging the power of your human design


Choose your plan below:

Monthly Subscription

27 AUD/mo

Approx. 17 USD per month

  • Monthly Live Class with Emma covering topics on human design, business, purpose & success
  • Access to The Foundational Masterclass
  • All Class Recordings
  • Class Notes, Resources & Tangible Action Items
  • Human Design Resource Library
  • Opportunities for Hot Seat Coaching
  • Cancel Any Time

Annual Subscription

299 AUD/yr

Approx. 198 USD per year

  • Monthly Live Class with Emma covering topics on human design, business, purpose & success
  • Access to The Foundational Masterclass
  • All Class Recordings
  • Class Notes, Resources & Tangible Action Items
  • Human Design Resource Library
  • Opportunities for Hot Seat Coaching
  • Cancel Your Yearly Renewal Any Time